Thursday, January 21, 2010


Dear Students,

The purpose of this blog is to possibly (and hopefully) open your eyes to new ways of viewing mathematics. So many times I hear students complaining that math is boring or math is just a bunch of useless memorization. This, though you are all entitled to your opinion of course, is not entirely true. Mathematics can, at times, be very interesting; interesting in a way that public schools do not often teach. This blog is my attempt at showing all of you that math is about more than just numbers and equations, and hopefully throughout the course of the year, you may learn to appreciate mathematics in ways that could not be acheived inside the classroom.

Some questions we may discuss will be considered as follows:

1. Is mathematics a science that has been discovered or invented?
2. How does psychology/preconception/experience affect one's perception and ability towards mathematics?
3. What is mathematical beauty?
4. What is the relationship between mathematics and epistemology?
5. Career choices deeply rooted in mathematics.
6. Everyday mathematics.
7. Explaining/Exploring nature through mathematics.

These, among other topics, will be discussed throughout the year. Do not be intimidated by the depth of some of these questions. I will be here to guide you along, and your grade is only dependent on your participation and contribution. Most of these topics are opinion based (theoretical/philosophical) so NEVER be afraid of being wrong! Please, express freely and openly. You will be notified in class when the next blog is posted. Have a great day!

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